With multiple approaches to implementing cloud computing, customers have a variety of technical choices to consider as part of their cloud strategy. Many vendors have attractive offerings which may look tempting at first glance, but you could end up being locked in with no capability of porting to another platform. It’s good to make sure that you retain control of both cost and technology – even when vendors consolidate and change pricing policies.
We are pleased to have Iain Cox of EA-Optimised as a guest presenter. Iain will be covering how his organisation approaches the strategic and technical issues that lead to a vendor independent approach. From his experience Iain will use various case studies to illustrate the type of skills and information needed for successful deployments, where the latest techniques are to use standardised components to help give flexibility and use multiple vendors for resilience. EA-Optimised have implemented multiple deployments over 10 years across many vendors for their clients – mainly public and financial sector..
You can register here, the stream will go live at 1PM UK time on the 9th July,
Once this webinar has finished it will be available on-demand and available in our resources section of the site. You will find this and many other webinars here