Workshop 23rd November, Zurich – Improving IT Infrastructure Change and Risk Planning

In our free half day workshop at Zurich Airport we’ll be covering how change and risk planning are heavily dependent on the quality of infrastructure documentation – often found to be the weakest link of IT systems administration. Many still find it difficult to maintain an inventory of hardware and software components, but we will go further and look at naming conventions, process and data requirements to map multiple dependencies as well to support project, recovery and cyber security information needs.

Types of dependencies we will cover include space, connectivity, virtualisation, applications and services.

We will cover the following areas;

  • Achieving a baseline inventory for project/programme/risk planning
  • Documenting physical and logical dependencies of shared infrastructure components
  • Practical mapping of data centres, networks, applications and services
  • Improving change impact analysis for centralised planning and management
  • Host to application mapping techniques
  • Automating Visio rack, network and ITIL service diagrams from databases and CMDBs
  • Keeping the information current, using change workflow and automation

Attendance is free upon registration. 8:00 for 8:30am start. Finish by 12 noon.

For more details and registration [click here]


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